admin – WHO World Health Organization Tue, 23 Mar 2021 00:44:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Virtual Pre-Conference Global Injury Prevention Showcase Fri, 19 Mar 2021 18:36:55 +0000 Read More]]> A mainstay in the field, the series of World Conferences on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion serve as the main global gathering of injury and violence prevention researchers, practitioners and advocates. The Virtual Showcase, being held from Monday 22 to Friday 26 March 2021, has been established to maintain momentum of the 14th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion which was postponed from 2020 to 2022, and ensure that there is an opportunity between events to engage, network and continue knowledge sharing for the global injury prevention and safety promotion community. The Virtual Showcase will continue the with theme developed for Safety 2020 – ‘Innovation, Engagement, Action: for a safer future’.

The Virtual Showcase has been designed to provide as much opportunity as possible to engage in the live sessions and networking, with more than 80 sessions to take part in, covering a broad range of injury and violence prevention topics, including road safety and the prevention of falls, drowning, and violence against children. Sessions include Virtual Showcase (plenary) sessions, workshops, satellite events, networking functions, e-poster presentations and many concurrent sessions.

More information

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Public Health Emergency Operations Centres (PHEOCs) and COVID-19 Management Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:45:35 +0000 Read More]]> Weekly Webinar Series and Online Community of Practice
A webinar series looking at the importance of and strategies for reviewing the response to public health emergencies for continuous improvement.

Series overview:

  • Examine lessons learnt as a process and why it is important in the context of public health emergencies
  • Describe and discuss how to capture learning from emergencies and what guidance is available to support the process
  • To share country experience in delivering an Intra-Action Review for COVID-19 including good practice and challenges
  • To appraise the importance of action planning and monitoring progress in the implementation of turning learning into action.
Connect to the webinar through this link:

Join the PHEOC Community of Practice for continuous engagement with experts and professional colleagues through this link:

Discord platform of the online community of practice where all previous webinar recordings are available:

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E-Learning Course on Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:45:14 +0000 Read More]]> This module on Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis will provide you with an approach to analysing efficiency across health programmes within a health system. Using WHO’s System-wide approach to analysing efficiency across health programmes, you will learn how to unpack health programmes based on their common health system functions – financing, governance, service delivery, and creating resources (e.g. supply chain, information systems, health workers) – to understand how they interact with one another and the overall system, and where inefficiencies can be identified.  These cross-programmatic inefficiencies include duplications or misalignments across core health system functions.

This module is divided into six sub-sections and should take roughly 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

After completing this module, you will know how to identify inefficiencies by taking a system-wide approach and learn how to address these inefficiencies through targeted reforms.

This e-learning module is open to the public and is directed towards leaders, managers, practitioners, and technical staff from both programme and system perspectives.  This includes country-level health authorities, WHO country/regional/headquarter staff, researchers, and development partners.

This is a supplementary module to WHO’s “e-Learning Course on Health Financing Policy for universal health coverage (UHC).” It is strongly encouraged to complete this course before starting this module.


Details of the Course:

  • Section 1. Framework
  • Section 2. Health programmes and the health system
  • Section 3. What are cross-programmatic inefficiencies?
  • Section 4. Applying cross-programmatic efficiency analysis
  • Section 5. Examples of cross-programmatic inefficiencies
  • Section 6. Knowledge check

Course Registration:

The course is designed to work on a wide range of devices, operating systems, and browsers. For technical issues please contact the helpdesk at:



Financial support for the development of this course is gratefully acknowledged from Gavi and the Global Fund

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Regional technical consultations on alcohol action plan 2022 – 2030 Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:45:14 +0000 Read More]]> Regional technical consultations (virtual) with Member States on the Working document for development of an alcohol action plan

The WHO secretariat through the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use and in collaboration with WHO Regional Offices will organize a series of regional technical consultations (virtual) with Member States on the working document for development of the action plan (2022-2030) to effectively implement the global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority. 

Despite some positive global trends in the levels of alcohol consumption and alcohol-attributable disease burden, the overall burden of disease and injuries attributable to alcohol consumption remain unacceptably high.  Considerable challenges remain for the development and implementation of effective alcohol policies. On this basis, the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board, in its decision EB146(14) in February 2020, called for accelerated action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and requested  the WHO Director-General, inter alia, “to develop an action plan (2022-2030) to effectively implement the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority, in consultation with Member States and relevant stakeholders, for consideration by the 75th World Health Assembly through the 150th session of the WHO Executive Board in 2022”.

In accordance with the implementation plan for EB 146(14) decision  and following the technical expert meeting held in June 2020, the Secretariat has produced the working document for development of the above-mentioned action plan and organized a web-based consultation on the working document during the period 16 November 2020 – 13 December 2020.

The important stage of development of a draft action plan 2022-2030 comprises the regional technical consultations with Member States on the working document to take place in February-April 2021.

The main objective of the regional technical consultations is to discuss the working document and provide recommendations for developing the first draft of the action plan that can accelerate action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol in the WHO regions and worldwide.  It is expected that the outcomes of the regional technical consultations will reflect the regional needs and priorities for strengthening implementation of the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.

The consultations may in addition provide an opportunity to establish or strengthen the regional networks of WHO national counterparts for implementation of the global strategy and discuss related technical issues including the data available in the regions on alcohol and health.

The outcomes of the regional consultations will be instrumental for preparing briefings on the draft alcohol action plan at the Regional Committee meetings as envisaged in the above-mentioned implementation plan for EB 146(14) decision.

Preliminary timetable:

Date(s) Region Scope & Purpose   Agenda
23 February Eastern Mediterranean Region   (ENG)  (ENG)
10 – 11 March South-East Asia Region (ENG) (ENG)
16 – 17 March Region of the Americas  (ENG) (ESP) (ENG) (ESP)
25 – 26 March European Region (ENG) (RUS) (ENG) (RUS)
31 March – 1 April African Region
TBD Western Pacific Region

Consultation document:

Working document for development of an action plan to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol:

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World Tuberculosis Day 2021 THE CLOCK IS TICKING Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:44:14 +0000 Read More]]> Each year, we commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic. The date marks the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the bacterium that causes TB, which opened the way towards diagnosing and curing this disease.

TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers. Each day, nearly 4000 lose their lives to TB and close to 28,000 people fall ill with this preventable and curable disease. Global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 63 million lives since the year 2000.

The theme of World TB Day 2021 – ‘The Clock is Ticking’ –conveys the sense that the world is running out of time to act on the commitments to end TB made by global leaders. This is especially critical in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that has put End TB progress at risk, and to ensure equitable access to prevention and care in line with WHO’s drive towards achieving Universal Health Coverage.

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WHO REMPAN Webinar – Public Health consequences of Fukushima nuclear disaster: 10 years towards recovery Tue, 03 Dec 2013 16:23:23 +0000 Read More]]> Background

March 11 marks 10 years since the unprecedented triple disaster: Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. This disaster and the years of recovery work that followed have taught the global community invaluable lessons in the resilience and humanity of the people of Japan. We are taking these lessons with great respect and appreciation.

The Radiation and Health Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) has strong historic ties and established strong cooperation with several Japanese institutions through the WHO Collaborating Centres (CCs) mechanism: these include the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima, Nagasaki University, the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (QST) in Chiba, and most recently – Fukushima Medical University. These CCs and other institutions – members of the WHO REMPAN network – conduct research and recovery activities in Fukushima and share their results with the global expert community.

This webinar is dedicated to their tireless efforts and will give you a glimpse into the enormous amount of work our colleagues are leading in the areas affected by the Fukushima disaster.

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5th Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Facilitation Council meeting Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:12:06 +0000 Read More]]> Agenda focus:
  • Achieving our ACT-A diagnostics & therapeutics goals for 2021: what’s holding us back?
  • Where do we have to focus to rapidly scale up vaccine supply to COVAX?


  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO
  • Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commission


  • Dr Zweli Mkhize, Minister of Health, South Africa
  • Mr Dag-Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Development, Norway
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2nd Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator Facilitation Council meeting Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:56:37 +0000

Agenda focus:

  • ACT-Accelerator progress made and key challenges that threaten the equitable access to COVID-19 tools
  • The macroeconomic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the case of investing in the ACT-Accelerator


  • Dr Zweli Mkhize, Minister of Health of South Africa
  • Mr Dag Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Development, Norway


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Gender Equal Health and Care Workforce: Enabling Women to Lead Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:13:12 +0000 Read More]]> This 65th Commission on the Status of Women Side Event is organized under the recently launched Gender Equal Health and Care Workforce Initiative (GEHCWI)The session is co-sponsored by Global Health Workforce Network Gender Equity Hub, Government of France and Women in Global Health.

The session aims to contribute insights into the status of women’s leadership in health and care and feasible policy interventions to ensure a more gender-equitable and representative leadership. This session will also present the state of women’s leadership in health and care sectors, including in response to the COVID19 pandemic. A high-level interactive panel discussion will explore opportunities to advance women’s leadership in the health and care workforce.

This session supports the Priority theme of CSW65 – Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life along with the first pillar of the GEHCWI which is to increase the proportion of women leaders in health and care roles and one of the key policy areas of WHO GHWN GEH on gender & leadership in the health workforce. It also supports 2021 as the International Year of Health and Care Workers, designated by the World Health Assembly in November 2020.

Registration Link:

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ISR-WHO World TB Day 2021 scientific symposium: Systematic screening for TB and the role of chest radiography Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:58:52 +0000 Read More]]> Join us!
ISR-WHO World TB Day 2021 scientific symposium:
Systematic screening for TB and the role of chest radiography

18 March 2021 | Geneva – The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Radiology (ISR) are pleased to invite you to join a special ISR-WHO World TB Day 2021 scientific symposium: Systematic screening for TB and the role of chest radiography

Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 5pm-7pm CET

Register here

*Connection details will be provided after the registration.

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is commemorated annually on March 24, to raise public awareness about the ongoing impact of TB and the need to enhance efforts to end TB. Global efforts in TB care are estimated to have saved more than 60 million lives in the last 20 years alone. Yet this is not enough to reach the targets of WHO’s End TB Strategy in the coming years.

TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers claiming millions of lives, and causing millions more to fall ill with this preventable and curable disease. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has placed an even heavier burden on those affected, leading to disruption of essential TB services and additional deaths. The theme of World TB Day 2021 – ‘The Clock is Ticking’ – aims to remind global leaders that efforts to end TB must be kept up, in spite of challenges introduced by COVID-19.

To aid in the effort to find all people with TB, this year for World TB Day the WHO Global TB Programme is releasing updated recommendations and implementation guidance on systematic screening for TB disease, including new recommendations on the use of chest radiography to improve early detection of TB.

In this context, an ISR-WHO World TB Day 2021 symposium on Systematic Screening for TB and the Role of Chest Radiography will be held on March 23, 5pm-7pm CET.

The program will feature renowned speakers from ISR, WHO and other relevant international organizations and will be announced shortly.

The ISR collaborates with the WHO as an NGO in official relations, to facilitate the global endeavors to improve patient care and population health through medical imaging. Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISR collaborated in the WHO Rapid Advice Guide on the Use of chest imaging in COVID-19 as part of the WHO-ISR collaboration work plan.

We look forward to welcoming you on March 23!

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