Gender Equal Health and Care Workforce: Enabling Women to Lead
This 65th Commission on the Status of Women Side Event is organized under the recently launched Gender Equal Health and Care Workforce Initiative (GEHCWI). The session is co-sponsored by Global Health Workforce Network Gender Equity Hub, Government of France and Women in Global Health.
The session aims to contribute insights into the status of women’s leadership in health and care and feasible policy interventions to ensure a more gender-equitable and representative leadership. This session will also present the state of women’s leadership in health and care sectors, including in response to the COVID19 pandemic. A high-level interactive panel discussion will explore opportunities to advance women’s leadership in the health and care workforce.
This session supports the Priority theme of CSW65 – Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life along with the first pillar of the GEHCWI which is to increase the proportion of women leaders in health and care roles and one of the key policy areas of WHO GHWN GEH on gender & leadership in the health workforce. It also supports 2021 as the International Year of Health and Care Workers, designated by the World Health Assembly in November 2020.
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